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Stop The World...I Want To Get Off!

Writer's picture: Romee JonesRomee Jones

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

Not long ago, during a particularly crazy time, I recall saying more than once, "Stop the world...I want to get off". Now the world has stopped, and while for many it is a welcome pause, for many others, especially those caring for the sick and the elderly, it is a very stressful time. 😷

I know friends for whom it has merely pivoted the focus of their worries - away from issues with kids and work to worries about health and finance. As a result, many are experiencing problems sleeping.

Lack of sleep can play havoc with your moods and attitudes, so at times like this a healthy immune system is vital to our wellbeing, and sleep is one very important requirement for maintaining a healthy immune system. Sleep allows our bodies time to repair and our brains time to process and consolidate our memories and other information we've been exposed to during the waking hours.

Poor sleep is linked to weakened immune systems and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. 😵 This is the time to have a "sleep strategy" to ensure that you maximise your sleep opportunities and get as much deep sleep and chalk up enough zzzzzs to keep on top of whatever is going on in your life.

Aside from a bedtime "ritual", my face-pillow is by far the most important sleep aid I have. It helps me maintain some sleep equilibrium 😴 meaning I can fall asleep easily, and stay asleep longer when I use it. It also helps me to fall asleep again should I wake up during the night, and, of course, it is a God-send in the early morning when my sinus headache seems to creep in...

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